Tools to boost Africa’s Clean Energy Future
Empowering Africa with tools for clean energy growth, sustainable resource use, and a balanced WEF nexus
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Driving Sustainable Growth Across Africa

The ONEPlanET Toolkit is designed to empower Africa’s key stakeholders—policymakers, researchers, investors, and citizens—with the essential tools and knowledge to accelerate clean energy generation and sustainable resource management. By addressing the interconnected challenges of the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) nexus, the Toolkit empowers African leaders to drive innovation, reduce inequalities, and bridge cultural and socio-economic gaps.

Learning tools
Explore our tools
Who can benefit from ONEPro?


Use the WEF Nexus Simulation Tool to  assess the profitability and sustainability of clean renewable energy projects.
Analyze policy scenarios
Identify high-potential opportunities
Reduce risks
Align investments with sustainable development goals


Simulate the effects of various policy choices on the food, energy, and water sectors.
Access future scenario simulation to reduce trade-offs and foresee obstacles.
Align policies are with global and local sustainability objectives.
Create well-informed and empirically supported policies that strike a balance between resource management, social justice, and economic expansion.


Gain access to a data-rich platform and investigate resource interdependencies in-depth.
Use sophisticated modeling and scenario-building
Explore the intricate relationships between the food, energy, and water sectors
Encourage creativity and enhance collaboration to develop long-term solutions


Gain a better understanding of how decisions about water, energy and food impact your life.
Understand the possible implications of different policy options
Become an advocate for sustainable practices and policies
Be part of the conversations between decision-makers and communities
Who can benefit from ONEPlay?


Discover a hands-on approach to the WEF Nexus and deepen your understanding of its interdependencies.
Visualize and analyze complex systems
Test how certain interventions influence resources and communities
Communicate your findings in an engaging and accessible way to foster interdisciplinary collaboration


Unlock how policy choices shape sustainable development by playing this interactive game.
Explore real-world scenarios to see how different policies affect water, energy, and food resources
Easily learn complex concepts and how policy impacts your future
Take a first step to participate in public discussions and decisions on sustainability
case studies

Explore Real-World Energy Transition Scenarios

Simulate and compare policy outcomes across three African case studies with the WEF Nexus Simulation Tool
Songwe River Basin
Located between Tanzania and Malawi, the basin faces hurdles related to energy access, environmental conservation, and the complex relations between the two countries sharing the basin.
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Bani River Basin as part of the Niger Basin
The basin plays a crucial role in supporting the local population and agriculture, which is highly dependent on the river's water resources.
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Inkomati-Usuthu Water Management Area (IUWMA)
Home to over 1.5 million people, the area is critical for water-dependent industries such as agriculture, forestry, and eco-tourism.
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