The AIDFI Hydraulic Ram Pump harnesses theenergy from flowing or falling water to elevate a portion of it to higherground. This innovative technology is particularly suited for upland orwater-scarce communities, offering a sustainable and dependable solution forwater supply.
Developed by the Alternative IndigenousDevelopment Foundation, Inc. (AIDFI), this pump operates without electricity orfuel, relying solely on hydropower, making it an eco-friendly andcost-effective choice for remote areas. It is capable of lifting water up tosignificant heights, ensuring access to clean water for irrigation, householduse, and other essential activities.
Over the years, the AIDFI hydraulic ram pumphas been implemented in numerous countries across Asia, Africa, and LatinAmerica, benefiting rural and underserved communities by improving water accessand enhancing agricultural productivity. The pump’s durability, minimalmaintenance needs, and ability to function in various terrains make it an idealtechnology for promoting self-sufficiency and sustainable development.